No artificial teeth can be as healthy and long-lasting as our natural teeth. For this reason we should take very good care of our teeth. Brushing should be done at least two times daily for good oral hygiene.
No artificial teeth can be as healthy and long-lasting as our natural teeth. For this reason we should take very good care of our teeth. Brushing should be done at least two times daily for good oral hygiene. Dental plaques must not form in the teeth otherwise it begins to accumulate bacterias. The first permanent bad thing that happens to your teeth because of lack of oral hygiene is the formation of carries on the teeth. If you find out that your have carries on your teeth you should immediately get it treated, otherwise it will become bigger, affect nearby teeth and will need a root canal treatment if it reaches a certain deep layer on your teeth.
If the carries is deep in the teeth it affects the living tissues or pulpa at the root of the teeth and infects the area, this causes the root to die and creates a necessity for root canals. If the patient waits without a treatment at this period, then the teeth will become worse and will need to be extracted over time. When a teeth is extracted the formation of the other teeth get affected and you will need an implant or a bridge to close the gap.
Root canal treatment is perceived as a painful treatment by people. But local anesthesia makes it pain free while treating and technological devices which monitor the length of the root helps the endodontist do the treatment better by not leaving any living tissue at the root, if this is achieved there won't and can't be any pain after the treatment as well since there won't be any living tissue left so the patient can not feel any pain. If the patient wants, sedation can be applied before treatment to make the operation even more comfortable.
If the teeth root is not treated it may lead to extraction as we discussed but it is not the only bad thing that can happen, it can lead to absess, imflammation and infection which can affect your general health by getting into your blood, also very bad aches are sure to come if it is not treated.
With a good root canal treatment and care of oral hygiene your treated teeth will serve for a very very long time. Dentist visits from time to time will achieve even more healthy times.