Orthodontics is a dentistry branch that aims to correct abnormally arranged teeth, incompatibilities between the lower and upper jaws and jaw development disorders.
Orthodontics is a dentistry branch that aims to correct abnormally arranged teeth, incompatibilities between the lower and upper jaws and jaw development disorders.
Parents should make an appointment with an orthodontics specialist when their children are 6 years old to see if they have any orthodontic problems, your orthodontics specialist will decide if there is any problem and when the treatment must start.
In this case, distortion of the aesthetic appearance, speech difficulties, breathing problems, sleep disorders, perception disorders, etc. are experienced together. Particularly, children who come to school age have negative psychological effects upon entering social environments. Difficulties in extracting some sounds causes the reading and writing learning stressful and causes the child to shy away from the social environments in the school.
A history of orthodontic treatment in the mother or father may be an indication that it may pass on to the children. However, such a definition is not certain. Finger sucking or feeding with breast or bottle for a long time can be a criteria too.
The important thing is to take early precautions and follow the position of the permanent teeth in the period when the milk teeth fall off and permanent teeth come up in the jaw. In the treatment of orthodontics, the lower age limit begins with the controls of permanent teeth. 9-14 years of age is suitable as the bones developed.
Orthodontist Specialist Dentist may request Panoramic, Cephalometric, 3D Tomography shots. As a result of all these images, it determines the patient's planning, starting age of treatment, treatment process, treatment expiry date and time of consolidation.
Retaining treatment is to keep behaviors related to deterioration of the teeth that may occur due to development in the palate as the patient's growth age continues after the treatment is finished. In this process, wisdom teeth will also continue to grow so it should be monitored by a specialist. Orthodontics is a dental treatment that requires expertise.
Lowest age limit for orthodontics treatment starts with the permanent teeth and there is no old age limit. Even after 50 years of age, orthodontics experts can be consulted.
Orthodontic treatment begins with the necessity of adhering the teeth with small metal parts, called wires and brackets, according to the treatment plan. In the narrow jaw problems, the jaw is placed into the mouth and a screw system is used to expand the jaw bone. The use of a simple key, which can be easily applied by the patient, can be expanded every day by day. These are comfortable palates prepared specially for to the patient.
Porcelain brackets are used in some patients instead of metal brackets. However, this preference is seen with the aesthetic concern of the individuals.
Maloclussion extends the treatment process. The jaw is regulated with ‘Splint’s. If the lower or upper jaw must be arranged, a number of apparatuses called Head-Gear must be used. Generally, it should be used at nights in order to regulate jawbone.
In some more serious cases however, Orthognatic Surgery can be needed.In orthognathic surgeries, the patient is taken into operation with general anesthesia in full-fledged hospitals. The treatment plan is a serious operation prepared by plastic surgeons and orthodontists. With this operation, the jawbone is minimized and aesthetically pleasing.
Lip and palate cleft disorder is caused by the separation of the tissues in the upper jaw and lip area in the first eight weeks of the baby. For the first surgery and nasal aesthetics to be more successful, nazoalveolar shaping is applied as soon as these babies are born. Due to bone development, orthodontic treatment may be necessary because of jaw stenosis and retardation. If there are missing teeth during orthodontics treatment, it can be completed with prosthetic treatment.
Nowadays, orthodontic treatment can be done with transparent plaques where there is less eccentricity and aesthetic anxiety is experienced thanks to technological developments. Orthodontic treatment with transparent plaques can be offered to the patient by the decision of the orthodontist. Transparent plaques treatments are when the patient takes in his own treatment in a sense. Since it is transparent, it is ideal for individuals who are reluctant to wear orthodontic treatment, thinking that they will have problems due to their age. Developments are monitored closely by the orthodontist who makes treatment at certain times.
As a result of orthodontic treatment, the improvement of jaw and closure disorders as well as the correction of perplexed teeth are reflected in the entire face of the patient. Fatigue of the cheekbones, upper lip fullness, positive change of nose aesthetics pleases the patient.